Start getting knowledge about Computers and Cyber-security from
youtube, from here get intrested in technology and coding and
computers world.
April 2019
Learn Ethical Hacking
Learn Basics of ethical hacking and enter into the new
technological world and get basic knowledge about the programming
languages and CS.
February 2020
Created first python program
After passout 10th started learning python language from internet
and created first program/game of Stone-Paper-Gun a luck oriented
game where computer and you play against each other.
March 2020
Created first C++ program
After passout 10th started learning python language from internet
and created first program/game of Stone-Paper-Gun a luck oriented
game where computer and you play against each other.
September 2020
Created first website
Start learning HTML,CSS and Js from books,collage and internet and
created first self blogging website page by using html css and
then created an analog-clock website which show time of different
countries by html,css and js.
Password Mananger
This Application is create for saving and to keeping secure your passwords.
Hand Cricket
This is a great python tkinter gui based game of hand cricket
HTML-JS Analog Clock
This is an Analog clock made by html,js.The clock show the local time.
Restaurant Application
This is an application made for restaurant for showing menuboard.